Resource Links

This document contains a comprehensive guide to national and international resources for poetry and theatre for teachers and students.

This is useful if you are looking for inspirational examples of: 

  • Poetry from Aotearoa 

  • International Poetry

  • Children's Poetry

  • Protest Poetry 

  • Queer Poetry 

  • Slam / Spoken Word Poetry 

  • Pacific Peoples Poetry 


  • Information on theatre groups in Aotearoa 

  • Guides to different genres of theatre 

If you have any additional resources you think would be suitable to link please feel free to let us know at

Speech NZ Teachers Online

Using Google Drive

Training videos to help you understand and use Google Drive and Google Docs.

Google Drive Training Videos

Using Zoom

Training videos to help you understand and use Zoom for your teaching

Zoom Training Videos

Tips and Tricks for using Zoom: these are in-depth instructions for using Zoom - includes sharing your screen, using the waiting room, and many other features

Zoom Tips and Tricks PDF

Tips for sitting a Speech NZ exam over Zoom

  • If possible, plug your laptop or computer into wired internet (ethernet). If not possible, try to use a room that has a high quality WiFi connection.

  • Have your laptop positioned at or slightly above eye-height (on a high shelf, ladder, or a table with books underneath), then angle the screen down. This gives a wider floor-to-ceiling angle.

  • Endeavour to sit the exam in an enclosed room, to minimise background noise. If not in an enclosed room, inform those around you that you have an exam, and do everything you can to minimise background noise.

  • Use lighting to your advantage! The goal is to be well-lit from a light source that is in front of you, rather than above or behind you (lighting above or behind creates shadows on your face). Set up in front of a window for natural lighting, or set a lamp behind or beside the computer screen to light space/yourself. You can also buy clipon laptop lights designed for conference calls.

  • Avoid setting up with windows behind your performance space, as this creates glare for the computer camera. Reposition yourself so that you are facing the windows.

  • Aim to perform in a carpeted space with soft cushioning, helps with sound quality and resonance. Ensure cell phones are off or out of the room to avoid distracting noise.

  • Before your exam, have a practise Zoom to ensure your angle, sound and camera are all set up well. You can Zoom someone else to check this, or record your own Zoom and rewatch it.

  • To help prepare for the exact space available to you, you can use coloured tape on the floor to mark out a roughly 2-3 metre space. When practising the Zoom before your exam for the angle and sound, check you can always see the tape in the camera – this will allow you to be sure that the examiner can see your performance space at all times, and help you stay grounded in the performance space.

  • Have a tidy space with no mess in the background or small items on the floor that could interfere with performance. If you are being assessed as a pair, mute your microphone whilst the other person performs to ensure no background noise comes in.

  • Ensure pets are shut out of the assessment room.

SNZ YouTube Channel

Check out the Speech NZ YouTube Channel for all the training videos and workshops we have recorded. 

You can subscribe so that you get notified when we upload a new one!


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